
Laura Jane Hamlet is a naturopathic nutritional therapist and wholistic practitioner. Her wholistic approach is centred around restoring balance, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and creatively, through a combination of nutritional therapy, lifestyle counselling, plant medicine and guided self-enquiry.

Advocating a way of living which seeks to deepen our connection to nature and its healing power, Laura Jane's gentle medicine provides therapeutic tools to unlock the body's potential to self-heal.   

my story

Born and raised in the North of England in the sleepy town of Huddersfield, London became my surrogate home for several years, before nature began calling again. Waving goodbye to the city in 2020 in search of greener pastures, I found myself in a tranquil nook in the Garden of England, in Tunbridge Wells. The notion of home and roots are themes which hold great significance to me, and permeate my practice. My heritage is West Indian and I come from a family of musicians, avid gardeners and incredible chefs. My childhood memories consist mostly of watching my parents and grandparents either tending to their gardens or conjuring up magic in the kitchen; and I was essentially raised on a prescription of home-cooked meals, time in nature and a never-ending musical soundtrack. Without knowing it then, this would later inform my work and become my ethos for life. Simplicity.

My background is in the creative industries. I began playing the steel pan as a child, – my introduction to music as medicine – I then subsequently went on to teach, before being catapulted into a world of arts management, spanning music, theatre and visual arts. Personal transformation through creativity was always something that made the most sense to me. However, at age 24, after losing my Mum to a very short and aggressive battle with cancer, suddenly very little made sense to me anymore. My Mum was my centre of gravity and had always appeared so incredibly youthful and vibrant, she never smoked or drank, she was active. I needed answers... It was at this point that I began to explore and recognise the gaps in conventional medicine; the flawed premises in our modern ways of living; and the lack of value we as a society place on our emotional, mental and spiritual health. My Mum was an incredibly hardworking and selfless person; when she wasn't working incredibly long shifts as a psychiatric nurse, she was endlessly helping anyone who needed it, and making very little time for herself. It’s these very qualities that contributed to her pushing past her pain threshold, neglecting her own needs, and caring for others to the detriment of herself. This is how we create imbalance and miss the subtle cues our body is constantly sending us. This disconnection is how symptoms become chronic and dis-ease manifests.

Two years after my Mum's death, I relocated and started a new job, and it was then that I began experiencing a series of health challenges. When conventional medicine failed to provide the relief I was seeking, I was forced to embark on a quest of my own. I first began seeing a homeopath, who instantly recognised and addressed the role that grief was playing in my ill health; I was then introduced to the impact of nutritional therapy and the concept of food as medicine, providing my body with the key nutrients it needed to thrive; and I began exploring various meditation practices. I started to make time and space for myself to heal, and within a short period of time, I began to feel like me again – I felt a sense of vitality; I felt empowered, and I had gained enough clarity to recognise the power of wholistic medicine. Once I realised that I needed to take as much care of my mental, emotional and spiritual health as I did my physical, I didn't just transform my wellbeing, I transformed my world. I realised then that I wanted to learn, to share and to advocate this life-changing healing system with anyone willing to listen. After years of dedicated study at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and endless self-study, here I am: forever changed, continually grateful, open, and oh so excited to share this healing journey with you.

With love,
